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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Risk in speculation in the currency

You must have concluded that you understand the basis of margin trading system that the fastest way to make large profits several times higher than the capital invested.Is able to be traded with a value of 100.000 euro for example, compared to pay $ 500 as a token of a redeemer, and then you hold the profit fully and if you have this amount already, is a sponsor that will bring you positive returns over several times the amount would invest in trading and increased profits than any other form of forms of investment, including the Aigas ..All we need is to buy a currency which it expects to rise and sell when they actually go up.Or to sell the currency which it expects to fall and buy when they go down already.For every point of a high price when you buy the currency to get $ 10 for each lot of currency (in the case of the normal account).For every point a low price when you buy the currency to get $ 10 for each lot of currency.And the prices of currencies in constant motion around the clock in one-day move in any currency at a rate between 50-200 points up or down.This means that there is always an opportunity for huge profits every day.Was launched to unleash your imagination and visualize how you will be able to earn points every day ..50 points, for example, this means $ 500 profit on each trade lot of it .. And so on.Currencies, in particular, shops do not fear do not fear the recession and lower sales and Aehmh prices to rise or fall.Accessibility is always available for profit, whether buying or selling the currency and whether the price rose or fell.Profit substance and a huge and fast ..The ..!!The ratified your expectations, and the crux of the matter here, and here the crucial chapter between profit and loss ..!!Yes, predicted that the currency will rise So I bought you will get $ 10 for each point of a high price.But what if the price rises?Lose $ 10 for each point down the price ..!!If the price fell 50 points, lose $ 500 and this amount will be deducted from your account.This is a fact incorrect in the currency trading or trading in any commodity or service whatsoever.If the price of the commodity price of your purchase will suffer a loss.Any dealer withholds purchase a commodity for trading only after it is expected that the price will rise, but that does not mean that it ensures that the expected true.There is nothing guaranteed in this world ..!!The issue is expected to depend on the health of the merchant, the merchant was an experienced and knowledgeable in the market, the forecast will be correct in most of the time, but not necessarily all the time.This is enough to achieve a net profit of the merchant each month.And so are trade and investmentThere is always an element of risk in the face of loss.It does not want to risk that he originally Aitajer.As far as the ratio of profit potential risk.Investor who deposited money in the bank compared to annual benefits will not get more than 4% return on its investment in the year ..But he who invests his money in currency speculation, it gets a profit of more than 1000% return on investment and possible much more ..!!What is the difference?The difference is the ratio of riskIn exchange for that you get return 100% guaranteed you will not get more than 4% annualized return.But in order to get a return up to 1000% and more than you have no choice but to face the risk of loss.A fact which applies to all forms of investment and trade in any commodity, anywhere in the world.As I learned the trading currency gain enormous material In contrast, there is very high risk to invest in speculative currency.It is a fact that must be learned well:Namely, that investment in speculation in the currency is one of the most serious forms of investment at all.There's a potential to earn tens of times the amount that it will work .. Yes this is possible.There is a possibility to lose all the money that it will work .. Yes, this is also possible.What is the risk in speculation in the prices of currencies?We can sum up the answer in one sentence ..High volatility fluctuate veryCurrency prices are constantly changing, and prices fluctuate all the time and it is very vulnerable to economic variables, political, and sometimes unexpectedly.This nature in exchange rates makes the sign of the price trend is not an easy question at all.As mentioned, the rate of movement of exchange rates every day range between 50-200 points up or down, if turned against which these points to the material you will find that this means that huge amounts daily can Terphaa or lose.This depends on the health of your expectations.Is it possible to expect the prices of currencies?As I learned from the previous section the answer .. Yes .. The movement of exchange rates were highly volatile and volatile but it is not a movement but a random basis and "tendencies" trends can predict in advance and often believe these expectations, which means huge profits.And learn now that you can expect the prices of currency through the core of both types of analysis:
Technical Analysis Technical analysis of economic news and analysis Fundamental analysis.And as you know we mean to do the follow-up analysis of price movement for the past so we can deduce possible future direction.You can not expect the reactions of someone who does not know .. But if he dealt with him and become a learning reactions prior to the different positions you can expect future reaction to a certain position!!Of course, there is a difference between the behavior of humans and between the movement of price, but price action is ultimately a reflection of the demand and supply being done by people in different parts of the world.Supply and demand variables affected certain economic and political unknown.If, in principle, can analyze the price movement expected forecast the direction of the price and thus can be invoked to make decisions that the sale and purchase.But despite of that content Vlaci ..!!Valmngirat affecting the movement are many and sometimes contradictory.This makes the sign of the direction of the price of a currency - or shares, or a commodity - the question of possibility.If it is more likely that the price will buy the currency will rise and vice versa.As far as your practice and to follow you as far as exchange rates and expand your knowledge on this area as it will increase your experience and your ability to forecast is correct.This question requires a lot of time and effort and follow-up and determination ..An issue that is worth the effort because the high-yield material .. And very high ..!!If so how can mitigate the risk in speculation in the prices of currencies?There are two main phases:• Before entering into this area already.• After entering this area.Each stage leads to abide by the rules to reduce the level of risk to a minimum, giving the stores the greatest opportunity for success.These rules are called in the rules of risk management Risk management rules, which we will discuss in detail because of their importance.


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