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Friday, March 18, 2011

Types of Orders

Keen shops in any kind of goods to follow up on product price, which intends to be traded continuously and the search for a suitable opportunity.You may be interested in trading in cars for example, it is natural to be up to date prices of cars are constantly If you find that the price of a car has become very low Vstmutir to buy on the basis that the price will rise later but you may find it appropriate to wait some time before the offer to purchase for you expect the price to fall more before returning to rise.This requires you to follow the ongoing and found that the appropriate price to buy offer to buy or wait until the price drops more then made on the purchase.As well as trading currencies ..When watching the exchange rates you wait for the right opportunity to buy a currency when you expect that the price will not fall then, but much will resume rising, and could command that you need to wait some time until the drop rate is more then made on the purchase.If we assume that you are watching the price of the euro and was at this moment EUR / USD = .9000I found through your analysis of price movement that the euro will not fall more than that, but it will resume rising .. What do you do?Exactly .. Will seize the opportunity immediately and buy euros because you expect that its price will rise. Would seek to buy euros at the current price.When you do that might be used the first type of command, a market order Market order.Market Order Market OrderAn order to buy or sell the currency immediately at the current price of the market.To return to the previous hypothesis that the price of the euro EUR / USD = .9000Suppose you and through your analysis of the euro, you expect that the euro will fall more before it to bounce back and you expect that the euro will fall first to be up to EUR / USD = .9850 and then bounce back .. What do you do?Yes .. You have to wait until the price drops and up to 0.9850 and then you buy.But that may require you to wait several hours until it reaches the euro to the price you expect, does that mean that you have to remain glued to your computer several hours waiting for this moment?Here comes the role of limit orders in advance Limit entry ordersCommand specified in advance Limit Entry OrderAn order to buy or sell a currency at a specified price in advance by you, if the price of the currency actually the price set will be implemented and if it did not arrive will not execute the command.In our previous example will determine the price of 0.9850 to buy and so you say to a brokerage firm that deals with it: If the price of 0.9850 euro to the price I bought a lot of euros - or any number of croaker you want - then you can leave the computer and attention to something else. If the price of one euro to 0.9850 already the company will buy you a lot of euros and if the price reaches 0.9850 will not implement it.Will do so by placing orders by the workstation platform, which are used to deal with the brokerage firm and you will find complete instructions for how to put commands that are specified in advance an issue that require only a few clicks of your mouse.This is the interest of the commands which give you a pre-defined area of ​​interest in other things without having to wait.Types of commands that are specified in advanceThere are four types of commands that are specified in advance covering all potential price movement of a currency which are to come out and are accessible:Orders out predetermined:Is reduction of the loss Stop order.Is profit Limit order.Orders of entry specified in advance:Entry order for the price of an apostate Entry limit.Order entry rate constant Entry stop.I should not feel embarrassed of this species, the purpose of which is to cover all the potential price movement so that you can when your analysis of the price of one currency to put these commands to be executed automatically without the need to remain glued to the computer for long hours, due to these types of orders can the stores that makes it work in speculation in the currency pursuant to part part time where all you have to analyze Saralamlp If you got to believe about the direction of price movement will sale or purchase orders and are determined in advance where you can then leave your computer and interest in the work of another and you are assured that whatever the price movement currency, the orders will be executed as set in advance and automatically and without any interference from you.With a little practice you will find that dealing with these commands a very simple matter.And now we will explain in detail each type of limit orders in advance:Orders out predeterminedIs reduction of the loss Stop orderWhich is specifying the price at which it will close the deal if the result was lost.For example: Suppose you bought a lot of euros at EUR / USD = .9000 on the basis that you expect that the price of the euro will rise after that.Know that each point increase by the price of the euro over the previous price earn $ 10 for the normal account - 1 $ in the mini account - all point down the price of the euro for the previous price lose $ 10.Suppose you bought a lot of euro price the former and I would like to leave the device and stop the follow-up, but you fear that the price will decline, the euro and the continued decline means that your loss will increase if the price decreased 30 points to lose $ 300 and if it continues to decline more and dropped 60 points, will lose $ 600 and so on.You can specify in advance the maximum extent you can afford to lose this deal by using a limit order Stop order of the loss so that the pre-determined price at which the deal will close by in case of loss.In the previous example, I bought a lot of euros at 0.9000 on the basis that its price will rise, will determine the price reduction of the loss 0.9850 and so you say to the brokerage company that buys you a lot of euros at 0.9000 if the price decreased and began to lose and the price to 0.9850 blocking the deal for fear that Rate continues to decline and thus has already identified your loss in this transaction by 50 points.You can then determine the price reduction of the loss of that leave your computer and you are assured that no matter how low the euro will not lose more than 50 points because when the price of the euro to 0.9850 and the company will automatically close the deal and will not lose more.On what basis is a price reduction of the loss?Answer: The question depends primarily on your analysis of the movement of the exchange rate may reach the conclusion that the price of the euro after it reached a rate of 0.9000 will return to the high and on that basis will decide to buy it, but that does not mean that the price when it comes actually to 0.9000 will resume rise immediately but may drop some more thing to 0.9890 and then bounce back and may fall to 0.9875 and then bounce back, no matter how precise your analysis was rarely able to determine the point at which re-price rise by exactly ..!!But through the analysis of price movement up to the conviction that the price of the euro if it arrives for the price of 0.9850, it means that your analysis is wrong - or have occurred within a political or economic - and therefore as long as the price reached this point, it will not bounce back and will continue to decline, at this particular point will reduce the rate of loss at any price you lose with it the hope that the price will resume rising.Importance is reduction of the lossA rule that says: Always trade with stops which do not trade only after it determined in advance of your loss.What does this mean?Often buy some currency traders on the basis that the price will go up or sell a currency on the basis that the price will drop, but things are not going as expected and the price begins Balamaaksp and start Loss:20 points .. There is nothing wrong price improvement will resume .. But does not improve.40 points .. It does not matter will return for improvement .. But does not improve.80 points .. My loss has become a big wait is getting better, perhaps lowering the price of my loss .. But does not improve.120 points .. Problem! I can not wait to accept this loss may improve the price even a little .. But it is not getting better ..!! .200 points .. Wow, Wow, I accepted the loss when she was 40 points!!So as you can see to leave things without pre-determined price, which will close the deal in which in case of loss makes you vulnerable to the psychological impact on the "hope" to improve price and return to profit or at least mitigate the loss and may cause this to you "hope" that multiply your loss several times, you have to accept a heavy defeat.Which one is better to be exposed to such a critical situation or have already set the price at which he has lost hope on the basis of analysis and not on the basis of the psychological impact .. The ride in the analysis that the price if Aaksk 40 points meaning that he would not return for improvement and that your analysis was wrong or may have occurred in the circumstances of what will never come back after the price of the improvement, the losing 40 points is better than losing 200 points could mean thousands of dollars.And knowest loss, Ltd. is a professional recipe stores.It is important that this loss is based on analysis and not on the basis of expectations based on the psychological effects, which claimed the accounts of many of the traffickers.Q: If I'm going to my loss at a point very close to the point of entry so as not to lose much if Oktit in the analysis, for example, if you buy EUR at 0.9000 I will set my loss at a price of 0.9895 if any wrong analysis will not lose more than 5 points and that is better is not it?Answer: No, not as well ..!!Are you sure one hundred percent of the price when up to 0.9000 will return exactly the rise?As mentioned, even if your analysis is true rarely able to determine the price at which the price will return him to appreciate exactly .. The price reaches 0.9890 and then bounce back if you have identified your loss at 0.9895 means that you will come out losing 5 points at a time when your analysis it is true, if you give yourself more room and the patient some thing went out a winner rather than go out losing 5 points .You can not define your loss rate is very close to you do not know exactly the price you pick has a price rise.And "You can not define your loss rate is too far so as not to become your loss heavy.But like the middle range ..!!Any long enough so give yourself a domain for a profit, close enough so that the limit of your loss as much as possible in the event of a loss ..!!If, on the after how many points should I set the price reduction of the loss?Answer: You must make the analysis is the basis for determining that, but initially did not prefer that at least a point reduction of the loss of 30 points, or Andmatstrae euro on the price of 0.9000 is not preferred to determine the loss of more than 0.9870 because it contained very low price up to this point then rising back.In fact, the point that sets the then price reduction of the loss stop is one of the most important decisions that must be identified in the deal, an issue that depends on your ability to bear the loss and the accuracy of your analysis and your style of trading is generally a question vary from one person to another, and improve the practice and training session and training.Let us take some examples on how to select a point reduction of the loss:
Example 1:Buy a lot of euros at EUR / USD = .9850 select point loss stop?Answer: We will put order to buy the euro price of 0.9850 and put the stop on the price of 0.9810 and thus determine the loss that occurred with 40 points.
Example 2:Lott will sell at £ GBP / USD = 1.6098 select point loss?Answer: We will put an offer on the price of 1.6098 and put the stop on the price of 1.6143 and thus determine the loss that occurred with 45 points.
Example 3:Buy yen to the price of USD / JPY = 118.50 select point loss?Answer: We will put order to buy yen to the price of 118.50 would be interested in rising yen against the dollar so we will not stop at a price of 119.00 because if it reached the price to 119.00 means that the yen has fallen .. Wallen currency indirectly, and thus define our loss by 50 points.
Example 4:Will sell the Swiss franc on the price of USD / CHF = 1.4560 select point loss?Answer: We will put an offer on the price of 1.4560 and concerns us here is that the franc price drops, we will not stop at a price of 1.4500 because he got for that price may be increased Vafrenk franc currency indirectly, and thus define our loss with 60 points.General ruleIs reduction of the loss Stop orderCurrencies DirectWhen you purchase .. Be a point of the stop is less than the purchase price.When you sell .. Be a point of the stop is greater than the selling price.Of currencies other than the directWhen you purchase .. Be a point of the stop is greater than the purchase price.When you sell .. Be a point of the stop is less than the selling price.
Is profit Limit orderWhich is specifying the price at which he has closed the deal in the case of profit.For example: Suppose you bought a lot of pounds sterling at what you'd expect the pound to rise 80 points. In order to get the profit you have to wait until the pound to rise 80 points actually may require several hours, you can use here is profit limit order specifies the price at which you want to close the deal in the case of the profit.Vlovrdhana you bought the pound at 1.6000 and you expect to rise Fairy 80 points you can then put order to reap profits at a price of 1.6080, which you say the brokerage firm if the price of a pound for 1.6080 closed the deal, will execute this command automatically without the need to be present in this moment.You can then put this command to leave the computer and you are assured that if the price to the point that you selected will be able to profit without the fear that the price goes back and down and you miss this opportunity to get 80 points.On what basis can I put my point of profit?Question depends on the store and his style of trading Strategy Some specify in advance a certain number of points and some specify a fixed amount, but the best method must be determined on the basis of the analysis if the analysis points to a possible rise in the currency for a certain number of points before they come back and drop it is better to not select a point profit limit order at this point or a point close to it.Let us take some examples of how to determine the point of profit:Example 1:I bought a lot of euros at 0.9500 select the point of profitAnswer: We will point profit limit order at a price of 0.9550 which we are asking the company to close the deal when the price of the euro to 0.9550 and thus identify previously won by 50 points.Example 2:Sold at £ 1.6230 select the point to reap a profit.Answer: The deal began to sell and the profit achieved if the price of the pound, we will reap the profit is at a price of 1.6170. And thus determine the profit of 60 points.
Example 3:I bought the yen at a price of 118.50 points, select the profit.Answer: I will put the point of profit at a price of 118.00, when the yen up for this price have risen 50 points, this matter may be identified Rbjee with 50 points.
Example 4:Sold at a price of CHF 1.4500 select the point to reap a profit.Answer: profit achieved when the price drops franc because the process has begun to sell, I will point profit at the price of 1.4620 and so I have identified profit by 70 points.General ruleIs profit Limit orderCurrencies DirectIn case of purchase, the price of profit is greater than the purchase price.In the case of a sale, the price of profit is less than the purchase price.
Of currencies other than the directIn case of purchase order be profit less than the purchase price.In the case of a sale be ordered to reap greater profit from the purchase price.

If you find it difficult to understand or save these rules, it would be useful and very easy for you to remember following charts which show where the will is reduction of the loss Stop order and ordered the profit Limit order of the currencies of direct and indirect In the cases of buying and selling eachCurrencies such as the euro and the pound directWhen you buy direct currencyBe the order of the bottom of the Stop the purchase price in the graphAnd be ordered Limit above the purchase price in the graphBecause you care when you buy candles to rise in the graphWhen you sell the currency directBe the order of Stop the highest selling price in the chartAnd be ordered Limit the bottom of the selling price in the chartBecause when you care about selling candles to fall in the graph
Currency indirect Kälin, Swiss francWhen you buy a currency is not directStop be ordered over the purchase price in the graphBe ordered Limit the bottom of the purchase price in the graphBecause when you buy the currency indirect interests you to go down candles in the graph
When you sell the currency indirectBe the order of the bottom of the Stop the sale price in the graphLimit order will be the highest selling price in the chartBecause when you sell the currency is to increase direct care about candles in the graph
So as you can see you using to my reduction of the loss stop order, and ordered the profit Limit order may be determined the extent of your loss and your profit in advance, where you can then leave the device and you are assured that if the price of the currency in any time to a price set by the profit will be closed the transaction is automatically added by the company to profit for your account, and that in the case reached the price to the price set in advance to reduce the loss will be close the deal and will not lose more than it has identified an important Aaksk price.As you can see this is an excellent feature of trading stock markets in general and to trade currencies, in particular, Flaeugd in any other way to determine your loss and your profit in advance, and that there is no possibility that you get the profits and you sleep in your bed as you do when you trade currencies!!And to you your use of the orders specified in advance you can leave the device and go to sleep and when the price reaches the point will be achieved by the closing of the transaction and add profit to your account all of this without any interference from you in the time that it may be mired in a deep sleep.!!Entry Orders predeterminedI also saw the former two are out of order are any requests from their brokerage firm to close the current deal in the case of using the profit is profit limit order, in case of loss by using the order reduction of the loss stop order.It must first be opened a transaction to be used is to reduce the loss and is reaping the profit.But suppose you have analyzed the price of a currency and arrived at the conviction that the price of the currency will rise, but not now, but expect to drop the first 30 points, for example, then after the re-rise.Here even though you are convinced that the price will rise but that you can not buy this coin, because you expect the price to fall more, why not to expect to buy the lowest price?Let us take an example: Suppose you analyze the movement of the pound sterling and the current price 1.5500 range and you expect the price to first that up to 1.5450 and then brings a lot .. What do you do here?Yes, wait until the price reaches 1.5450 Ststraeh then, but this may require several hours Will you have to remain glued to the computer waiting to buy until the price drops?Here comes the role of Entry Orders predeterminedIt commands that allow you to open a deal selling or buying at a certain price without the need not wait until the price reaches effectively, it will be implemented by the brokerage firm will be opening a position to buy or sell the currency when the price at the price you specified.So like you say to the company if the price of a currency as well as to the price, I bought a lot of them because I expect to rise after the price of the currency.Or if you say to the company if the price of a currency as well as to the price, sold them to me lot because I expect the price to fall after that.The major advantage of the orders of the entry specified in advance is that it allows you to sell and buy when you find that the price appropriately without the need to be observers, the exchange rate is constant, it is sufficient to determine the price you expect to have a good chance the order will be executed if the price of the currency is actually the price set by will not be implemented in the case did not reach the price point is actually selected.In fact, when the price at any time to a certain point it is either to continue in his movement or the defection of them.What does this mean?Suppose that the price of the euro against the dollar is now: EUR / USD = .9000 Suppose that the price began to rise to reach any point of transfer 0.9100It is in this case, either to continue to rise more or fall to come back and there is no possibility of another movement.If the price continues to rise say that rate constant.If you arrived to this point and reverse the decline which began to say that the price of an apostate.Therefore, there are two types of orders of entry specified in advance.Entry order for the price of an apostate LIMIT ENTRY ORDERWhich is to open the deal to buy or sell a currency at one price when you expect that the direction of price movement and bounce reversed after arriving for this price.Take the examples:Example 1Your current price of EUR / USD = .9500 and expects to drop the price to be up to EUR / USD =. 9450, and then pick any height will reflect the direction of movement from low to high, what do you do?Answer:: We will put a purchase order predetermined at a price of 0.9450 we expect to increase the exchange rate after it has reached this point, if reached the price actually became the EUR / USD =. 9450 the company will buy the euro for me and number of lot that I specify, and if not reached will not implement it. This will be ordered to enter an apostate limit entry order for that price reversal is linked to the direction of price movement.Example 2The current price of £ 1.5560 and expected during the analysis that the pound will rise up to 1.5595 and then later will reflect the direction of movement due to the low .. What do you do?


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